Want this map for free? If you have purchased a Powercommander from Rottweiler Performance at any time in the past, all of our maps are accessible for free. Simply send us proof of purchase (Name and order number, scanned receipt) to this email address and we will respond with a coupon code that will discount the map to $0.00. You will still be required to complete the 'purchase process'. If you can't wait for the email coupon code, purchase the map, then send us proof of purchase and we will credit you back if you qualify!
Take advantage of any 2 PC maps and switch between maps 'on the fly' with the Dynojet Map Switch. Click here. This means you can have a map for 'economy' and a map for 'power', and switch between them while you are riding.
- This PC map was made by Rottweiler Performance on our in house dyno and shooting for a broad power output with a Rottweiler Performance intake, Arrow De-CAT mid pipe and an open muffler at roughly 13.2 AFR.
- Ignition advance is a bit more advanced with this map to help with mid and top but okay with premium fuel. These can be reduced easily with the free PC software.
- This is a race map designed to be run with the stock O2s unplugged and you will see an engine light, but it is harmless.
- You may opt for this map free with a purchase of a Powercommander from Rottweiler Performance, or you can purchase this map separately if you obtained your PC somewhere else.
- If you use this map and do not unplug the stock O2 sensors, your stock ECU will simply undo all of the mapping in closed loop.
- RACE performance map
- Rottweiler Performance Intake
- Open Muffler
- Arrow De-CAT Mid Pipe
- Must be run with O2s unplugged
What's the difference between STREET and RACE maps?
- A STREET does not interfere with emissions based mapping and only has fueling changes in the open loop section of your fuel map where the stock ECU will not try and override the changes. This serves riders wanting to stay in compliance with emissions standards and retain their cruise control while still benefitting from ignition advances throughout and fueling corrections in open loop. Plug and play installation is all that is required for STREET maps.
- A RACE map is designed for closed course racing purposes so that the user can have full control over the entire map range. The use of maps designated as 'RACE MAPS' require the stock narrow band O2s to simply be unplugged so that the stock ECU will not be able to read them and override the map and correct the trims back to an emissions based 14.7 air fuel ratio in the closed loop section (see attached chart in the pics above). Unplugging the stock narrow band O2s will only cause an engine light on the dash to appear. Engine lights typically only warn of blinkers not working or emissions systems unplugged. You will still get important warnings on the dashboard in bold letters. This can be easily reversed if the stock narrow band O2s are plugged back in and a STREET designated map is loaded into the PC.
It is your responsibility to determine whether these files are safe or not to use. You must have a reasonable understanding about how map files work to use the maps given here.