This review is for the GPS mount on a 22' 1290 SAS.
This is great product to mount your GPS, much more stable that the crosspiece type that attaches to the wind screen mount brackets. Those tend to vibrate with the play in the windscreen mechanism in comparison. I had the KTM one and removed it. It also stays in place not traveling up or down with the windscreen adjustments. Much better! The Rottweiler bracket is thick, solid and perfect for any GPS that uses or is adaptable to the AMPS bolt pattern. Once mounted the angle was about right for me (5'11" and in the seat).
For mounting a phone, in my case with a quad lock charging base it is not ideal. You cannot mount it centered without adapting on a cross piece because the bracket has material removed from the center, but you can still mount it off center. Also, if you do mount it with a quad lock base, at least in my case the phone would hit the wind screen if mounted vertical and/or would block part of the TFT display with the phone. It works fine mounted in the horizontal position. As others have said the Touratech bracket instructions apply here with this mount, you simply remove the 2 screws and 1 pivot bolt that supports the TFT screen from the side with a T30 torx and unplug the TFT, then attach the bracket and reinstall, a 15-minute job. Do put a rag around the area of the TFT just in case you drop any of the hardware to keep it from disappearing into another dimension.